Friday, May 9, 2008

While you were away....

Most of you won't be in school today, you missed the show man....

Incident 1)
The pledge taker is not the usual ones. Instead of
"To build a democratic society...."
he went
"To build for ourselves...."(?)
Lucky today Prasana and gang not at FRC, otherwise she'll laugh until flip over... maybe the whole 2A will flip over. Poor pledge taker... must be memorizing from study notes and blurted out accidentally. Amanda, Nicole Tan and Afrina, you are appreciated, it is indeed not as easy as it seems.

Incident 2)
I should call it coincidence: two pairs of teachers came with exactly the same dressing. Miss Jolene Lim and Miss Kassandra Lim both wore white polka dots black blouse with exactly the same design. We teachers made them post together for photo session. I shall see if I can post one up here. At press time I'm still trying to beg for it.


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