Going down... Abseiling
Going up... Rock wall, Egan is ready
This is three storeys up... Warning: Please don't try this at home
Safety means: Each person up there is supported by four on the ground
A rare sight of prim and proper Nicole Tan on a bad hair day wearing a silly red helmet.
Finally, a silent movie of Awesome Afrina Abseiling
one of the most cooperative and attentive bunch of students i've ever handled. if not, they're the best! good initiatives and they know they're responsibilities handed down to them.
Nice pictures.
2A, we rocks, a tiring day indeed?
Tomorrow we can go home le!!!
miss home, dun you?
the pitures shows th day =)
Woooooooo...Nice pictures!!! It's gonna be CP 2nite!!!
Weishen & Dean
Lots of CS @.@ !!!
i think the rock climbing is fun,but very scary.And it takes more than 4 person to support one climber!!!
in order to do this activity, it needed lots of courage to overcome our fears as some of it are challenging. Also, it needed team work to do so as without the others helping, we would not be able to complete the activity without getting hurt.
flying fox was great fun because we can:
- overcome our fear
- build up our confidence and
- teamwork!
we hope that the domitary will be more spacious and need not squeeze so many girls.
we sincerely hope that we[ boys and girls] will have more time for showering.
we also hope that there will be more drinks[milo, rpse syrup etc]
Yours Truly,
Vivian and Moe
It was very scary and many of us were shaking. But, after trying it we wanted more!! Bring it on babe!! It was a great experience. We had a chance to do something humans can never do! It was a very memorable event. We also challenged ourselves and now i am sure all of us have better confidence. We have overcome our fears. We really enjoyed ourselves and looking forward for more fun!!!
Every activities that we have done is very new to me.All the activity needs lots of courage especially to overcome fear and difficulties.
Rock climbing was fun isn't it !?
Woots! Tml can go home lerhh. It is indeed a fun and exciting camp.Yeah! We and our trainer rawks!Show our best tonite during the campfire xD
Amanda Ang
we aare at the camppppp . !
hope you're enjoying it do far
No sweatttttttt~~!hahaaaaa.
hope everyone has fun for the campfire today !
from Wan Qin , Glenda and Nicole Tan :)
Most of us scared of height and was unwilling to try! Under the encouragements of the trainers and friends,we finally pluck the courage to try! Hooray! We did it! :D
sI hUi
Nice pictures... By the way, the flying fox was so cool! :) Wanna try few more times.... woo! SO FUN! Oh... and and we had rock climbing! It was challenging but fun! :) But some of the 'rocks' were lose that cause us to fall and unable to continue climbing! SO sad! :( But overall, it was quite enjoyable although it was tiring!!! Wish that you guys will enjoy the camp fire tonight.
Chin Din & Li Jun
The FLYING FOX is very fun.. Although it's the first time to play and what's more, I am the first to play.. The first step was quite scary but afterwards when going down, the feeling so damn cool.. (: The abseiling was quite fun.. The distance look very short,but when i was walking down, i find it like it has never ending.. HAVE A FEELING THAT YOU ARE GOING TO FALL DOWN.. (:
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