What sort of journey will this turn out to be?
First, there was silence, prolonged silence
I guess it all began with a few well wishes, birthday greetings and some whacky drama and projects I began to see colours appearing in the dull grey we were getting used to. Oh yes, we had a go at a class photo.
Then it was speech day rehearsals, many of you were juniors taking big roles. I don't know how others felt, it was then I first sense the pride of being the Form Teacher of this class.
Thank you Miss Song!
April was a busy month, speech day parade was a huge success. The distinction award won at the marching band assessment was really memorable in more ways than one.
Thank you Amanda, Desylia, Jasmine, Egan, Eben and Guan Shin, I dedicate the month of April to you.
Then it was May: Exams, Sec 2 camp and please don't forget the birth of the class T-shirt and class motto.
Thank you Ivan, Prasana, Xing Yoong and Cheryl Yuen. There's no class tee like 2A's because it was really a product of team effort from designing, making to distributing. I'm not surprised that the end product is something you all can be proud of. Also to Chin Din for handling the finances, you're my fantastic treasurer.
June, while enjoying our holidays, we managed to organise CIP at IMH. IMH expects volunteers to be above sixteen, none of you were, but with good faith and sincerity, we spend a meaningful afternoon drawing comics and printing fingerprints.
Thank you Xing Yoong, Prasana, Cheryl Yuen, Jiayu, Joanne, Ivan, Jian Cheng, Chin Din, Glenda and Wanqin.
July, the job was not over for the 10 named above. At LOCD, we had to do a presentation and set up a booth to share our experience at IMH. Then it was the BIG one, SL investiture. Some 16 of you were part of the investiture. I posted a blog entry on "Service and Sacrifice", the official class photo was taken with three of your favourite teachers. It was then I had the urgency of fulfilling the class photo dream.
To Prefects: Thank you, it was never meant to be easy. Along the way many of you have contemplated quitting. Thank you for struggling, for sleepless nights, for taking unjustified punishment, for tears of grief and frustration and most importantly, thank you for overcoming and coming out stronger each time. You grit your teeth not for yourself, but for your fellow prefect who would be worse off if you decide to let go.
August, I left the school for three weeks and realised how much a class can be missed. You burst into life in the bossa ball competition... didn't win, but who says you have to win to enjoy the game? August also marks Teachers' Day Celebration. "Miss Latha, we love you more than Maths Tutor!"
Thank you Sok Kuan and gang: You managed to forge a rather special bond with Miss Latha. Thank you Exco: You did the noticeboard and the Olympic display on your own.
September, perhaps everyone knew that the end is near, every kindness is appreciated more, and here I would like to bring to your attention...
Blog administrators, we clocked 100 posts! Well done. I have said this before and I will say again, Glenda post in our class blog more than her own. Often with lesson materials and reminders of tests and birthday wishes and words of encouragement.
October, I have seen stressful exam seasons turn really nasty before but exam season with you people is most pleasant... both mid-year and end-of-year. Read the "Invigilator's Diary". I will remember the well wishes and "Best (pronounced with "r" between "B" and "e") of luck".
Thanks Nicole Sim, you did what nobody see, sweeping the classroom to prepare the class for exams. The month of October is dedicated to you.
We were all reeling back in memory during post exam, have heard countless of appeals to turn back time... or to extend this experience for another year... as for me, I busied myself with compiling photos... watch this:
That's my way of appreciating every single one of you from Afrina to Tan Wei Shen.
Allow me to thank three more persons, if I could put an exclamation mark beside "Excellent" conduct, I would have done it.
Glenda: For putting up the blog picture, the song, and the encouragements. You are my "emergency button" who can be relied on for urgent matters. If 2A has hands, you are the left hand.
Cheryl Yuen: The one who made the difference between "can" and "cannot". If 2A has hands, you must be the right hand.
Nicole Tan: You have more than a fair share of personal problems but the difference is that you have rose above your troubles with relentless fighting spirit. I still remember you doing your Speech Day rehearsal MC with a limp. If 2A has a heart, it must have been you giving away yours.
I know when you hugged onto 2A's pillar you really mean it.
So... as the bus arrived at the last stop, you will all alight and proceed on with your journey, I will too be driving a different route next year, perhaps I may see some of you again but in any case I have enjoyed myself in the year 2008.
Thank you class, may God bless you.