Doesn't seem too long ago when Mr Tay welcomed you all and declared you to be the batch to witness the school's 100th anniversary. Well... here you are, 3 years later and the final hurdle lies at the horizon. "2A"... has it become a distant past? (have you outgrown your class T-shirt?)With classes renamed E1, E2, E3.... things aren't quite the same these days.
However, some things still remain the same, for some, I'm still your FT. This blog is still here for you to reminisce the good times we had as a class. This brings me to the whole point about this post: I hope you'll visit this place once in a while to catch up with one another. Let us know your latest whereabouts. In due time you'll graduate from this place, don't forget to tag about your posting etc... boys... let us know your enlistment and girls... your wedding day. The list goes on. I will continue to open my house on the second day of Chinese New Year and hoping to catch up with you all.
Back to the present, I want to wish you with a million blessings in the days to come. May you sustain your hardworking efforts and get results you'd never dream of... maybe straight "A"s is not an impossible dream when you put your whole heart into it. For anyone who is willing to strive hard to achieve their goals is already a winner in their own right.
Together, achieve personal excellence.
May God bless you.